No mess chops

for 2 persons
This is more of a method than a recipe perfect if your feeling lazy, cant be bothered making an effort and don’t want any washing up (most days id say)
I’m using pork chops in this one but you use chicken legs and steaks with a bit of fat on them. The fat is the essential part of this dish, so first chop up all the root veg and spuds toss them in sea salt, black pepper, rosemary, lemon zest olive oil and garlic. Lay them on all in the end of a casserole dish. Season the chops with what ever ya want Cajun I use in this one, and lay them on top on the veg drizzle a little oil on top and place in a hot oven bout190-200 c for about half an hour turn the chops over after about 15 mins. The fat drip down over the veg to create a really tasty roasted veg, and the best bit is all ya have to wash up is the casserole brilliant.
Olive oil
2 pork chops coated in Cajun spices
Sea salt and black pepper
Rosemary fresh or dried
2 potatoes diced
1carrots sliced thick
1 red onion sliced chunky
1 parsnip sliced thick
½ a courgette sliced thick
Diced butternut squash or a sweet potato diced
4 garlic cloves smashed
As I said this is just a method use any veg you have mainly root veg. so the cooking time is roughly the same as the chops
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